
The result

This will make a hell of a lot more sense if you've read this.

Now, I previously said that I'd never found out what the outcome of not doing essays was, but I lied.
You see I never did all of the essays, and the result was denial.

It was in stages, so until looking back on it now, I've never realised.

You see, it began with guilt and depression. I felt really awful, and slaved over the work in an attempt to hand it in, because I knew I'd get in trouble. Every lesson, I'd hand in a piece of work, so she got less and less off my back. Then, when half term came I suddenly lost all sense of guilt and worry.

From then onwards, I went into denial stage. The denial was so deep that I actually made myself forget that I still had work to do. My teacher would ask me if I had any work to hand in, basically hinting that I did, and my response was almost always 'I don't think so...'.

Now I'm past the lessons, and I've only got an exam left (which I doubt I'm going to pass and neither do I care about doing so), I'm care-free.
It's sort of like "LOL FUCK EVERYTHING AND LAUGH". It's funny because I shouldn't be like that, seeing as I still have an exam to sit.

Ah well.