
Birthday sweat fest.

Well, as you might know, it was my birthday on the 24th.
As you also might know, My Chemical Romance announced an 'intimate gig' to record the video for Planetary (GO!)on that day, two days before.
I pretty much freaked out and went to bed early. I actually went to bed early in half term just to get up and ask if I could go. That's extremely rare, and it was rather difficult to sleep whilst excited/worried about getting or not getting a ticket.

Luckily my efforts were not in vain, and my Mum said to go to my Dad's and get a ticket, even though I had no idea how I would get there and back, or what I would wear.

I managed to get a ticket somehow (apparently they sold out in something like 3 minutes), and so was ecstatic for the following.. well, I would say few hours, or a day, but I'm still pretty excitable, and it's been 5 days.
I had some friends over, and while the watched a film, I half did, while sewing my personal killjoy logo onto a jacket for my costume.

Basically, I spent all day and most of the night sewing it in. Composing the rest of my outfit took quite a while too, but I eventually did it.I can't be bothered to do a rubbish artists impression, so here is an actual picture of my face:

You can sort of see the logo I made on the jacket, so all is good.
Getting to the chase, after having only a couple of hours sleep, I got up and got ready because it was my birthday, so I left my friends in the living room to receive my presents (fuck yeah). After I'd got my dvds, money and Batman framed picture (yes, I just said that. it's awesome), and it was time, I woke them up so they could all leave on time and shizzle.

I was alone for a little bit, because my Mum went to work and they all went home, so I spent this time adding to my outfit, such as drawing the spider logo on my yellow tank top and deciding on my make up.

Skipping forward a few hours, after I'd been picked up, given a birthday badge, gotten more hyper in the car (which I didn't think was possible), got on a train, had a short underground journey and arrived at the venue in london, I went and found some friends, then had McDonalds before coming back to queue.
Made friends with Chloe whilst queuing and got worried about not getting in, which I obviously did.

Once inside, I was third row back and right in the middle of where Frank and Mikey were due to be. Spot me:

Hint; I'm slightly on the left side of the photo, a person behind the girl with the green helmet, with my reddish faded hair and red body warmer. I'm one of the only people with my sleeve not rolled down.

It got really packed, and we danced/moshed/jumped to Planetary (GO!) 7 times after the mini setlist before, so we were exhausted.
When it finished, I was pretty much drenched with sweat after being packed into the space of a sardine can...

It was pretty much the best birthday ever, because I'd waited 5/6 years to see them live.

Unfortunately, I've forgotten where this post was going, but hey, I saw MCR, and I'm going to be in their video. I'll update this if I remember what I was going to say.

Update: REMEMBER TO LOOK OUT FOR ME IN THE VIDEO WHEN IT COMES OUT END OF THIS MONTH. My hand is the one with the green ring on the little finger...
Also, all credit of the photos goes to this lovely photographer.

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