
Decisions, decisions.

So I've consequently decided that it's been way too long since I last blogged, and I am using my time off to write this.
I'm really ill at the moment, and it keeps wavering on and off. I seem to be stuck in a continuous cycle of stress and illness, and I drew a diagram to demonstrate this.

I don't usually get very ill, in fact I normally have quite a clean bill of health, so that's why I know my diagram is true.
We started doing stress in Psychology a little while back now, and to start it off we did a stress quiz to see how stressed we were.
Apparently, I'm the most stress in the class, and I'm 'in the danger zone'.
It said something like 'Emergency! You need to change your lifestyle now.' Great, huh?
Due to such things, combined with my vivid imagination, I can just see my class on the inside and out in my head.

I'm pretty stressed, if you hadn't guessed.

Edit: I can't really remember where I was going with this anymore as I haven't been ill in weeks, that's how long it's been since I actually started writing this post. Also, it's been my birthday, so I'm going to write a seperate, more awesome blog post than this about it.

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